Our Services

Choose My Pharmacy

Choose My Pharmacy™ is the first measurement system for community pharmacies.

A measurement system is a collection of quality measures used to achieve a specific goal - often improve quality, decrease cost, and inform choices. Often defined as a “Star Rating,” measurement systems are analogous to child’s report card, restaurant scores, or book reviews.

Choose My Pharmacy™ is the first measurement system for community pharmacies. We provide an evaluation of the quality of a community pharmacy to a variety of stakeholders, including patients, caregivers, other healthcare professionals, and payors. Our measures have been developed and specified to evaluate community pharmacies using community pharmacy data and vertically integrated with the larger healthcare quality environment.


Seguridad has partnered with CEimpact to deliver education and training on community pharmacy transformation. We support the advancement of pharmacy technicians and encourage the cross training of techincians as community health workers (CHW).

Measure Development

Our team develops quality measure, specializing in community pharmacy practice. From value-set development, to specifications and usability analyzes, we are focused on highlighting that not all pharmacies are the same.

Seguridad Data Services

Our propriety back-end analytics support optimization, normalization, and use of pharmacy derived data. From development of intervention and reporting tools for state and federal funded projects to Managed Medicaid Organization patient matching services, our data services can solve many healthcare challenges.

CPESN Health Equity

CPESN Health Equity helps pharmacies create a new line of revenue – health equity revenue for the delivery of services to identify, resolve, and treat health-related disparities. Every affiliated pharmacy has social determinants of health expertise while training at least one Community Health Worker - expanding roles of technicians, support staff, and delivery drivers to help patients with high social risk navigate healthcare and community resources. Increasingly, Medicare, Managed MCOs, and state Medicaid programs are recognizing these services in value-based payment models. Learn more at www.cpesn.com.


Continuing the tradition of ESPhA, we offer next-generation pharmacy consulting. Our team has supported initiatives within clinical trial recruitment, 340B contracting, health equity implementation and services, employer health benefit design, opioid diversion and abuse prevention, grant facilitation, and many more.